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CREATION 2019/2020

premiere, february 2020, festival Fait d'hiver - Paris


Conception, choregraphy, dance  Camille Mutel

Dramaturgy: Thomas Schaupp
Light design: Philippe Gladieux

Design and costumes: KASPERSOPHIE

Sound design: Jean-Philippe Gross

Technical management: Gildas Goujet




Conception, choreography, dance: Camille Mutel

Dramaturgy: Thomas Schaupp

Set and costume: KASPERSOPHIE 

Sound design: Jean-Philippe Gross

Technical management: Gildas Goujet


And what if we took care of ourselves?

Not I is the first part of a quadrilogy entitled The Place of the Other (La Place de l’autre), a personal solo of radical minimalism and disseminated poetry. It shows all the steps of a Japanese tea ceremony, moved to the here and now.

Under our gaze, Camille Mutel trusts us with her vulnerability through rhythmic sequences with variations of light and rare razor-sharp sounds. To win us over, she puts into place her ritual, the conducive space for the gift she offers us. It is an encounter in all possible gentleness. She sets up her workbench with precision and without precipitation: a vise and a plank of wood. She discovers objects, plays with a knife exploring all possibilities. She delicately removes the skin of an onion that she takes out of a basket, adds a tablecloth to the scene, and jabs the fresh fish. She serves a glass of wine.

The everyday gestures are displaced, broken down: the movements, slowed down. The body melts into the same scene that will soon become a plastic composition, a still life for today. It gives way to what has been the center of interest and attention from the beginning: the object, the other. It is an experience attentive to the gesture of offering and sharing.

NOT I in situ
premiere, july 2021, Jardin du Château de Pange


Production: Compagnie Li(luo)

Co-productions: Centre Culturel André Malraux, Scène nationale de Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy / KLAP - Maison pour la danse, Marseille / micadanses, Paris

Accueil studio: CCN de Nancy Ballet de Lorraine / Théâtre du Marché aux grains, Bouxwiller 

Studio space offered: LA ZOUZE – Cie Christophe Haleb, Marseille / TROIS C-L - Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois, Luxembourg / Grand Studio, Bruxelles
Research residencies: Incubateur project de la Fondation Royaumont (2018) / Villa Kujoyama

With the support of: Le CCAM, Scène nationale de Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy / Scènes et Territoires / association "Château de Pange, vers une maison d'arts, de rencontres et de cultures"
Funded by: The région Grand-Est within the program les Est'ivales / DRAC Grand-Est AAP summer season 2021


Ce projet a bénéficié du soutien apporté dans le cadre de la convention de partenariat entre l’Institut français et la Région Grand Est 2019, de la Ville de Nancy dans le cadre de la résidence du Théâtre de Mon Désert et de l’aide à la création, et de la Spedidam. 


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