Conception : Camille Mutel
Dance : Philippe Chosson, Camille Mutel
Singing : Isabelle Duthoit
Light design and stage managing : Phil Colin
Photography : Osamu Kanemura
Costumes : Eleonore Daniaud
Redaction : Ninon Steinhausser
An excerpt from a T.S. Eliot poem, the title of Compagnie Li (luo)’s new creation suggests a desire that circulates between three performers onstage: invitation, temptation, inhibition, and initiation. Physically seized by the impossibility of mutual relationships, traversed by sound and objects, each one measures the effects that the situation has on their being-on-stage. This is what the performance works with and exposes. Present with the images of Osamu Kanemura, this scenic moment is delicately rooted in a unique “reality” of urban visions taken by the photographer - as a way to return nature to the heart of its real cultural substance.
Production : Compagnie Li(luo)
Coproduction : Centre Culturel André Malraux - Scène nationale de Vandoeuvre les Nancy ; Scènes Vosges - Epinal
Accueil Studio : CCN Ballet de Lorraine
Residencies : Trois C-L Luxembourg ; CND Pantin ; Royaumont Abbaye & Fondation ; Centre Pompidou - Metz ; Césaré - Centre national de création musicale de Reims ; Centre Culturel André Malraux - Scène nationale de Vandoeuvre les Nancy ; Théâtre Sévelin 36 - Lausanne
Support : Conseil régional de Lorraine ; DRAC Lorraine ; Spedidam
Other Support : Institut Français - Programme Hors les Murs 2014