Festival Explicit au CDN Humain trop humain de Montpellier
Conception, artistic direction: Matthieu Hocquemiller
Performer, co-creator: Camille Mutel
In 2014, the choreographer Matthieu Hocquemiller invited a small number of performers to create self-portraits that he entitled Auto-porn box. Each recounts a history, a gaze, and a singular sexual universe.
Each Auto-porn box is therefore specific in its content, its duration, and its form. With generosity and humor or in a more documentary style, each invites the viewer to have a singular encounter and a unique point of view.
It is the weaving of the intimate to collective history that interests us through these self-portraits.
The performance invites displacement - deconstruction takes the sexual and its representation from its small erotic story into the workings of the larger world and our relationship to norms.
Photo © Anne-Violaine Tisserand